Rachel White |

3 Summer Salads With Rise Gardens

3 Summer Salads With Rise Gardens

Get Fresh Inspiration for Your Greens

Welcome to summer salads! Summer is the perfect time to enjoy fresh, vibrant salads made with the best ingredients. Here are three delicious and easy-to-make salad recipes featuring produce from Rise Gardens that will add color and flavor to your meals. Let's dive into these refreshing summer salad recipes!

Kale & Cherry Tomato Crunch

  1. Ingredients:
  • Rise Gardens Starbor Kale (in Superfoods Variety Pack)
  • Rise Gardens Mini Kitchen Tomatoes
  • Grated Cheese
  • Sunflower Seeds
  1. Instructions:
  • Prepare the Kale: Wash and chop the Starbor kale into bite-sized pieces.
  • Add the Tomatoes: Slice the mini kitchen tomatoes in half and add them to the kale.
  • Top with Cheese and Seeds: Sprinkle grated cheese and sunflower seeds on top.
  • Toss and Serve: Mix all ingredients together and serve immediately.
Rise Gardens

This crunchy and nutritious salad is perfect for a light lunch or as a side dish for dinner. The combination of fresh kale and juicy cherry tomatoes, topped with cheese and sunflower seeds, makes it a delightful treat for any meal.

Classic Caprese

  1. Ingredients:
  • Rise Gardens Sliced Tomato
  • Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
  • Fresh Rise Gardens Basil
  • Olive Oil
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Salt and Pepper
  1. Instructions:
  • Slice the Tomatoes and Cheese: Slice the tomatoes and fresh mozzarella cheese into even rounds.
  • Layer the Ingredients: On a serving plate, alternate layers of tomato slices, mozzarella cheese, and basil leaves.
  • Drizzle with Dressing: Drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar over the top.
  • Season: Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Serve: Serve immediately or chill for a few minutes before serving.

Rise Gardens

The Classic Caprese salad is a timeless favorite. The combination of fresh Rise Gardens tomatoes and basil with creamy mozzarella, drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, is a refreshing and flavorful dish perfect for any summer gathering.

Tropical Summer Ceviche

  1. Ingredients:
  • Shrimp
  • Bay Scallops
  • Cara Cara Orange
  • Avocado
  • Rise Gardens Tomato
  • Rise Gardens Cucumber
  • Lime
  • Cayenne
  • Rise Gardens Cilantro
  1. Instructions:
  • Prepare the Seafood: Cook the shrimp and bay scallops, then let them cool. Once cooled, chop into bite-sized pieces.
  • Chop the Veggies and Fruit: Dice the Cara Cara orange, avocado, tomato, and cucumber.
  • Combine Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine the seafood, diced fruits, and vegetables.
  • Season: Squeeze lime juice over the mixture, sprinkle with cayenne, and add chopped cilantro.
  • Toss and Serve: Gently mix all ingredients together and serve immediately.

Rise Gardens

This Tropical Summer Ceviche is a delightful twist on a classic dish, featuring a burst of fresh flavors from Rise Gardens produce. The combination of seafood, citrus, and creamy avocado, with a hint of cayenne, makes this ceviche a perfect appetizer or light main course for hot summer days.

Enjoy these fresh and delicious summer salad recipes, and don't forget to share your creations with us! Stay cool and eat fresh with Rise Gardens.

Rise Gardens

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