Garden and Accessory Assembly Manuals

Rise Gardens Hydroponic Garden Manuals

Explore our library of assembly guides, user manuals, and maintenance documents to support your hydroponic gardening journey. Whether you’re setting up for the first time or need a digital copy, find all the resources you need here.


Hydroponic Growing Guides

The Rise Gardens Hydroponic Growing Guide: Learn essential steps from day one through your first harvest. Includes crop planning, seed germination, pruning, pollination, and app-based guidance.

Hydroponic Garden Assembly Manuals & Guides

The Rise Garden 3

Purchased November 2024 and after
This is the latest and greatest Rise Garden large format hydroponic garden for your indoor gardening

The Rise Garden 3 Assembly Manual: The step by step guide on how to unbox and assemble your Rise Garden 3 indoor hydroponic garden.

The Rise Garden 3 Assembly Video: A quick animation on how to assemble your Rise Garden 3 indoor hydroponic garden

The Personal Garden

The perfect hydroponic garden for small spaces without losing the Rise Garden growing performance. Learn how to assemble your garden, get started growing and using the smartphone application.

Personal Garden Assembly Manual: A step by step guide for setting up your personal hydroponic garden and getting started with the smartphone application

Personal Garden Quick Start Guide: This is your quick guide to planting and caring for your first plants in the Rise Gardens Personal Garden.

The Rise Garden (2) and The Rise Roma

Purchased December 2022 through Oct 2024
Below are the assembly manuals and user guides for the second generation large format hydroponic garden from Rise Gardens. This includes the Rise Roma, a specialized extension for the Rise Garden that allows you to grow larger plants such as full size tomatoes and peppers.

The Rise Garden 2 Assembly Manual: A step by step guide on assembling the Rise Garden 2 hydroponic garden.

The Rise Garden 2 Assembly Video: A video walking you through the assembly of your Rise Garden 2 hydroponic garden

The Rise Roma Garden Assembly Manual: A step by step guide to assembling your Rise Roma and various configuration options that are possible with the Rise Roma and Rise Garden 2

The Rise Roma Garden User Guide: Learn about the range of configuration when using your Rise Roma system to grow tomatoes, peppers, melons and more.

The Family Garden (original)

Purchased before Dec 2022
For those who are still using the original large format hydroponic garden from Rise Gardens, called the Family Garden, here are some great references.

Family Rise Garden Assembly Manual (English): A step by step guide on assembling the Family Garden hydroponic garden.

Family Garden Guide de l’utilisateur (Français)

Family Garden Assembly Video: A video walking you through the assembly of your Family Garden hydroponic garden

Adding an extension(level) to your Family Garden: This manual provides the step by step instructions for adding an extension to your Family Garden.

Extension Assembly guide (English)

Guide de l’utilisateur du module supplémentaire (Français)

Hydroponic Gardening Accessories

Accessories help make your hydroponic garden perform well and allow you to grow a wider variety of produce successfully. Below are the users manuals for some of the key hydroponic gardening accessories.

Trellis manual for Vining plants: The trellis will help train your hydroponic vining plants like peas, beans, cucumbers and more. For more on how to use it, check out the user's guide.

Plant Stand manual: Give some extra support to your tall hydroponic plants. Great for tall fruiting plants that can get heavy.

Hydroponic Garden Water Pumps:

Water pumps are critical to the health and operation of your hydroponic garden. Make sure you know how to use, maintain and troubleshoot your hydroponic garden pump with these useful manuals.


The Rise Garden 3 DC40 hydroponic water pump

The Rise Garden 2 DC40 hydroponic water pump

The Personal Garden DC35 hydroponic water pump

The Family Garden DC40 hydroponic water pump



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