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Grow with Us: Meet Dan

Grow with Us: Meet Dan

Article summary

The Benefits of Hydroponic Gardening Revealed

Exploring the world of hydroponic gardening, this feature delves into the experiences of Dan, a passionate advocate for Rise Gardens' innovative indoor gardening systems. Hydroponic technology allows for the cultivation of plants in a soil-free environment, utilizing nutrient-rich water solutions to foster plant growth. Rise Gardens brings this technology to homes with its smart garden setups, enabling enthusiasts like Dan to grow fresh herbs, vegetables, and flowers regardless of outdoor conditions. By simulating natural sunlight through full-spectrum LED lighting and automating care with smart mobile apps, these gardens offer an efficient and accessible approach to fresh, home-grown produce year-round. This piece highlights Dan's journey with hydroponic gardening, the ease of integrating these systems into daily life, and the joy of harvesting your own greens.

Welcome to ‘Grow With Us', an initiative where we introduce you to the incredible members of the Rise Gardens team who bring their passion, knowledge, and unique gardening experiences to the table.In this series of interviews, you'll get to know the faces behind the greens and the stories beyond the sprouts From their favorite crops to the lessons they've learned along the way, each story is a testament to the profound impact that gardening has on our lives. Get ready to be inspired and grow with us!

🙂 Name
Dan Kuhn

🌱 Garden(s) Owned
3 Rise Gardens

🚴‍♂️ Hobbies
Gardening, cooking, biking, maker

🙌 Fun Fact
I met my wife while we were volunteers in the Peace Corps in Zambia

🥬 Top tip or trick for a beginner gardener
If you have a family garden you should add a few plants every week to your nursery to make sure you never run out of your favorites

🌿 Favorite things to grow
Basil (sweet genovese and thai), cilantro, chives and red vined sorrel

💪 What's the most challenging gardening experience you've had, and what did you learn from it?
Experiment, learn, make mistakes and be ok with that. It's fun.

🌼 Describe a gardening success story that made you particularly proud.
The ability to create a meal heavily focused on something from my garden - in particular making home-made pasta sauce, thai chicken basil (lots of basil!) and bruschetta

🫶 How has gardening positively influenced your well-being and mental health?
I was terrible at growing plants before. Using the Rise Garden and having great success caused me to return to trying again, and I am not far more successful with houseplants.

🌞 What's your go-to personal mantra or affirmation?
Always be learning something new

🥘 Share a favorite recipe or meal that you’ve made with the help of your garden.
Thai basil chicken has been great lately.

📗 Can you recommend a book, podcast, or resource that has positively impacted you?
"The Botany of Desire" by Michael Pollan caused an interesting shift in my view of how we engage with nature and plants.

😌 What's a wellness ritual you've incorporated into your daily routine that you wouldn't want to go without?
Biking to an from work. When I cannot get a ride in, I just don't feel right. 

Dan contemplating his Rise GardenDan's Family

Dan's dog

Ask Rise

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