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Plant capacity range Plant capacity range
Max plant capacity Max plant capacity
Roots Roots
Fruits Fruits
Vines Vines
Microgreens Microgreens
Total plant varieties Total plant varieties
Avg cost per plant Avg cost per plant
Square footage needed Square footage needed
Modularity Modularity
Materials Materials
Colors Colors
Watering system Watering system
Companion app Companion app
Voice control Voice control
Growing alert Growing alert
Automated lights Automated lights
Growing guide Growing guide
Conectivity / Sensors Conectivity / Sensors
Self watering Self watering
Lights Lights
Nursery Nursery
Plant pods Plant pods
Plant food Plant food
Plant trellis Plant trellis
Plant stand kit Plant stand kit
Expandable trays Expandable trays
Nursery Nursery
Plant food Plant food
Seedless pods Seedless pods
Power usage Power usage
LED spectrum LED spectrum
Water capacity Water capacity
Electronics components Electronics components
Garden Garden
Germination Germination
Money back guaranteed Money back guaranteed
Customer support Customer support

Start Indoor Gardening Today

  • The Rise Garden 1-Level | Up to 36 plants

  • The Rise Garden2 -Levels | Up to 76 plants

  • The Rise Garden 3-Levels | Up to 108 plants

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