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Grow with Us: Meet Brandon

Grow with Us: Meet Brandon

Welcome to ‘Grow With Us', an initiative where we introduce you to the incredible members of the Rise Gardens team who bring their passion, knowledge, and unique gardening experiences to the table. In this series of interviews, you'll get to know the faces behind the greens and the stories beyond the sprouts. From their favorite crops to the lessons they've learned along the way, each story is a testament to the profound impact that gardening has on our lives. Get ready to be inspired and grow with us!

🙂 Name
Brandon Bay

🌱 Garden(s) Owned
Used to have a VERY hacked Family Garden. Now 3 Personal Gardens at home...and 12 in the office

🚴‍♂️ Hobbies
Cycling, sewing, grocery shopping

🙌 Fun Fact
For a couple of years in college, I had 15 roommates. Near the end, I got the best bed in the place: a coffin-like hole in the wall.

🥬 Top tip or trick for a beginner gardener
When sprouting plants, elevate the nursery a little to give the young plants more light.

🫑 Favorite things to grow
Radishes, red mizuna

 🌼 Describe a gardening success story that made you particularly proud.
I grew two Gochujang pepper plants to >40" tall by stacking three Personal Gardens

🫶 How has gardening positively influenced your well-being and mental health?
Rather than pack a lunch or go without, I will often compose a salad from whatever is ready for harvest in the office. It is way healthier and more satisfying.

🪴 Are there any gardening projects or goals you're currently working on or excited to start?
I have four cauliflower plants that are ready for harvest any day now...

🌞 What's your go-to personal mantra or affirmation?
"Take the time to do it wrong" - aka, make room to mess up the first time

📗 Can you recommend a book, podcast, or resource that has positively impacted you?
99% Invisible examines the built environment we take for granted.

😌 What's a wellness ritual you've incorporated into your daily routine that you wouldn't want to go without?
Commuting via bike can inspire a range of emotions, depending on traffic, but it never fails to clear my head.

 Brandon watering his Rise Garden

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